Installation of GNU TeXmacs for Windows

If you are upgrading to the newest release of TeXmacs, please skip to section 2. The installer will overwrite your current installation, but not your saved data.

1. Download and install the dependencies

Prior to installing the latest release of TeXmacs for Windows, you must ensure that you have the following programs installed on your system.

  1. MikTeX - This TeX system for windows must be installed to provided the font generation tools used by TeXmacs. Unfortunately, to obtain all fonts used by Texmacs you must select the full install version. This is very large (~300MB) and will take some time to download and install. We are currently investigating ways around this, but unfortunately no better solution exists yet.
  2. GhostView - This graphical postscript viewer is required by TeXmacs for previewing and printing of documents.
  3. Ghostscript - The underlying postscript engine of GhostView, THIS MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO GHOSTVIEW.

2. Download and install TeXmacs for Windows

TeXmacs For Windows comes as a self-extracting archive. At this time only the currently unstable development version is available for download.

Once you have extracted the archive, run the Setup.exe automated installer which will guide you through the installation process. Please pay special attention to installer prompts regarding the paths of the previously installed dependencies.

3. Reboot your computer

The automated installer has made some changes to your systems environment variables. You must reboot for these changes to take effect.

4. Run !

TeXmacs for Windows can now be found under your programs list in the Start Menu. Simply click on the icon to start TeXmacs. PLEASE BE PATIENT! The first time you start TeXmacs for Windows it will take some time to setup your personal settings.

5. Be cool...

TeXmacs for Windows is currently still in Beta stage and not stable. We are releasing this version in the hope that an increased number of Beta testers will help us discover new bugs. This is necessary because the developers are busy and cannot possibly find everything wrong with the release. Please be patient and let us know of any bugs or feedback about the release you may have. It is very useful for us to have a rough idea about the number of permanent users and for what applications you are interested in TeXmacs. Furthermore, we are glad to receive your suggestions and problems, no matter how silly they may seem to you. You may also subscribe to our mailing lists. If you really like the program, then please consider donating money or services to us. Of course, you may also contribute yourself.

Appendix A. Known problems

  1. When I print graphics, they do not show up on the page
  2. The scheme session works fine, but my math and shell sessions do not work

Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 by Dan Martens and Joris van der Hoeven.

This webpage is part of GNU TeXmacs and the larger GNU project. Verbatim copying and distribution of it is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved. For more information or questions, please contact Joris van der Hoeven.

Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA