Univariate polynomial factorization
over large finite fields

Joris van der Hoevenab, Grégoire Lecerfac

a. CNRS, École polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris

Laboratoire d'informatique de l'École polytechnique (LIX, UMR 7161)

1, rue Honoré d'Estienne d'Orves

Bâtiment Alan Turing, CS35003

91120 Palaiseau, France

b. Email: vdhoeven@lix.polytechnique.fr

c. Email: lecerf@lix.polytechnique.fr

Preliminary version of November 3, 2023

. This paper is part of a project that has received funding from the French “Agence de l'innovation de défense”.

. This article has been written using GNU TeXmacs [15].

The best known asymptotic bit complexity bound for factoring univariate polynomials over finite fields grows with the input degree to a power close to , and with the square of the bitsize of the ground field. It relies on a variant of the Cantor–Zassenhaus algorithm which exploits fast modular composition. Using techniques by Kaltofen and Shoup, we prove a refinement of this bound when the finite field has a large extension degree over its prime field. We also present fast practical algorithms for the case when the extension degree is smooth.


The usual primitive element representation of the finite field with elements is with prime and irreducible and monic of degree . For this representation, von zur Gathen, Kaltofen, and Shoup proposed several efficient algorithms for the irreducible factorization of a polynomial of degree in . One of them is a variant of the Cantor–Zassenhaus method for which large powers of polynomials modulo are computed using modular composition [24, section 2]. Now Kedlaya and Umans designed a theoretically efficient algorithm for modular composition [25, 26]. Consequently, using a probabilistic algorithm of Las Vegas type, the polynomial can be factored in expected time


It turns out that the second term of (1.1) is suboptimal when becomes large. The purpose of the present paper is to prove the expected complexity bound

where ; see Corollary 5.1. For this, we rely on ideas by Kaltofen and Shoup from [23]. In addition, we present improved complexity bounds for the case when the extension degree is smooth. These bounds rely on practically efficient algorithms for modular composition that were designed for this case in [16].


Given a commutative ring and , let . Given , we define and . For any positive integer , we set

so that . We will freely use the soft-Oh notation: means that , as in [9].

Until section 5.2, we assume the standard complexity model of a Turing machine with a sufficiently large number of tapes. For probabilistic algorithms, the Turing machine is assumed to provide an instruction for writing a “random bit” to one of the tapes. This instruction takes a constant time. All probabilistic algorithms in this paper are of Las Vegas type; this guarantees that all computed results are correct, but the execution time is a random variable.

Until section 5 we consider abstract finite fields , whose internal representations are not necessarily prescribed, and we rely on the following assumptions and notations:

1.2.Related work

For general algorithms for finite fields, we recommend the textbooks [4, 9, 28, 35] and more specifically [9, chapter 14], as well as [8, 21] for historical references. In this paper we adopt the asymptotic complexity point of view, while allowing for randomized algorithms of Las Vegas type.

Early theoretical and practical complexity bounds for factorizing polynomials over finite fields go back to the sixties [2, 3]. In the eighties, Cantor and Zassenhaus [5] popularized distinct-degree and equal-degree factorizations. Improved complexity bounds and fast implementations were explored by Shoup [34]. He and von zur Gathen introduced the iterated Frobenius technique and the “baby-step giant-step” for the distinct degree factorization [11]. They reached softly quadratic time in the degree via fast multi-point evaluation. Together with Kaltofen, they also showed how to exploit modular composition [22, 24] and proved sub-quadratic complexity bounds.

In 2008, Kedlaya and Umans showed that the complexity exponent of modular composition over finite fields is arbitrarily close to one [25, 26]. As a corollary, the complexity exponent of polynomial factorization in the degree is arbitrarily close to .

Von zur Gathen and Seroussi [10] showed that factoring quadratic polynomials with arithmetic circuits or straight-line programs over requires operations in . However, this does not provide a lower bound for boolean arithmetic circuits. In fact, subquadratic upper bounds indeed exist for the stronger model of arithmetic circuits over the prime subfield of : the combination of [23, Theorem 3] and fast modular composition from [19] allows for degree factorization in in expected time

This bound is indeed subquadratic and even quasi-optimal in . In this paper, we also achieve a subquadratic dependence on .

In order to save modular compositions, Rabin introduced a randomization process that uses random shifts of the variable [32]. This turns out to be useful in practice, especially when the ground field is sufficiently large. We briefly revisit this strategy, following Ben-Or [1] and [9, Exercise 14.17].

Unfortunately, Kedlaya and Umans' fast algorithm for modular composition has not yet given rise to fast practical implementations. In [16], we have developed alternative algorithms for modular composition which are of practical interest when the extension degree of over is composite or smooth. In section 6, we study the application of these algorithms to polynomial factorization.

The probabilistic arguments that are used to derive the above complexity bounds become easier when ignoring all hidden constants in the “”. Sharper bounds can be obtained by refining the probability analyses; we refer to [6, 7] for details.


In this paper we heavily rely on known techniques and results on polynomial factorization (by von zur Gathen, Kaltofen, Shoup, among others) and modular composition (by Kedlaya, Umans, among others). Through a new combination of these results, our main aim is to sharpen the complexity bounds for polynomial factorization and irreducibility testing over finite fields. The improved bounds are most interesting when factoring over a field with a large and smooth extension degree over its prime field .

Let us briefly mention a few technical novelties. Our finite field framework is designed to support a fine grained complexity analysis for specific modular composition algorithms, for sharing such compositions, and for computing factors up to a given degree. We explicitly show how complexities depend on the degrees of the irreducible factors to be computed.

Compared to the algorithm of Kaltofen and Shoup [23], our Algorithm 4.2 for equal-degree factorization successively computes pseudo-traces over and then over . The computation of Frobenius maps is accelerated through improved caching. Our approach also combines a bit better with Rabin's randomization; see section 4.5.

We further indicate opportunities to exploit shared arguments between several modular compositions, by expressing our complexity bounds in terms of instead of , when possible. We clearly have , but better bounds might be achievable through precomputations based on the shared arguments. We refer to [18, 29] for partial evidence in this direction under suitable genericity assumptions.

Our main complexity bounds are stated in section 4.4. The remainder of the paper is devoted to corollaries of these bounds for special cases. In section 5, we start with some theoretical consequences that rely on the Kedlaya–Umans algorithm for modular composition [26] and variants from [19]. We both consider the case when is presented as a primitive extension of and the case when , where is a “triangular tower”.

At the time being, it seems unlikely that Kedlaya and Umans' algorithm can be implemented in a way that makes it efficient for practical purposes; see [19, Conclusion]. In our final section, we consider a more practical alternative approach to modular composition [16], which requires the extension degree to be composite, and which is most efficient when is smooth. We present new complexity bounds for this case, which we expect to be of practical interest when becomes large.

2.Pseudo-Frobenius maps

The central ingredient to fast polynomial factorization is the efficient evaluation of Frobenius maps. Besides the absolute Frobenius map of over its prime field , we will consider pseudo-Frobenius maps. Consider an extension , where is monic of degree and not necessarily irreducible. The -linear map is called the pseudo-Frobenius map of . The map is called the absolute pseudo-Frobenius map of ; it is only -linear.

2.1.Absolute Frobenius maps

Recall that and consider a primitive representation for . Let us show how to evaluate iterated Frobenius maps of using modular composition. We introduce the auxiliary sequence



The sequence enables us to efficiently compute -th powers and then general -th powers, as follows:

Lemma 2.1. Let be given. For all and , we have

In particular,

Proof. We verify that

and that

The cost analysis is straightforward from the definitions.

The cost function corresponds to the time needed to iterate the absolute Frobenius map a number of times that is a power of two. For an arbitrary number of iterations we may use the following general lemma.

Lemma 2.2. For all and with binary expansion with , we have

In particular, computing takes operations.

Proof. The proof is straightforward since .

The computation of can be done efficiently with the following algorithm.

Algorithm 2.1




  1. Compute using binary powering.

  2. For , compute as .

  3. Return .

Lemma 2.3. Algorithm 2.1 is correct and runs in time

Proof. We prove the correctness by induction on . For , we clearly have . Assume therefore that and let be such that

We verify that

This completes the correctness proof. The first step takes time , whereas the loop requires modular compositions, whence the complexity bound.

2.2.Iterated absolute pseudo-Frobenius maps

For the efficient application of the absolute pseudo-Frobenius map, we introduce the auxiliary sequence with


Lemma 2.4. Let be given. For all and , we have


In particular, we may compute in time .

Proof. We verify that

The cost is straightforward from the definitions.

Once has been computed, the pseudo-Frobenius map can be iterated an arbitrary number of times, using the following variant of Lemma 2.2.

Lemma 2.5. Let be given. For all and with binary expansion with , we have

that can be computed in time

Proof. The proof is straightforward from Lemma 2.4.

The auxiliary sequence can be computed efficiently as follows.

Algorithm 2.2

A monic polynomial of degree .



  1. Compute using binary powering.

  2. For :

    1. Write ,

    2. Compute as .

  3. Return .

Lemma 2.6. Algorithm 2.2 is correct and runs in time

Proof. Let us prove the correctness by induction on . The result clearly holds for . Assume that it holds for a given and let be such that . Then

As to the complexity bound, the binary powering in step 1 takes time. In step 2, we compute powers of the form and we perform modular compositions of degree over .

2.3.Iterated pseudo-Frobenius

For the efficient application of the pseudo-Frobenius map, we introduce another auxiliary sequence with


Lemma 2.7. Let be given. For all and , we have


In particular, we may compute in time .

Proof. The proof is straightforward from the definitions.

Once has been computed, the pseudo-Frobenius map can be iterated an arbitrary number of times by adapting Lemma 2.2, but this will not be needed in the sequel. The sequence can be computed efficiently as follows.

Algorithm 2.3

A monic polynomial of degree , and .



  1. Compute using Lemma 2.5.

  2. For , compute .

  3. Return .

Lemma 2.8. Algorithm 2.3 is correct and runs in time

Proof. The correctness is proved in a similar way as for Algorithm 2.1. Step 1 takes operations, by Lemma 2.5, whereas step 2 takes operations.


Let be still as above. Recall that the trace of an element over , written , is defined as

For a monic, not necessarily irreducible polynomial of degree , it is customary to consider two similar kinds of maps over , which are called pseudo-traces: one over and one over . In this section, we reformulate fast algorithms for pseudo-traces by Kaltofen and Shoup [23], and make them rely on the data structures from the previous section for the computation of Frobenius maps.

3.1.Pseudo-traces over the ground field

Let . We define the pseudo-trace of of order modulo over by

We may compute pseudo-traces using the following algorithm:

Algorithm 3.1

, , and .



  1. Let be the binary expansion of .

  2. Let and

  3. Let and

  4. Return .

Lemma 3.1. Algorithm 3.1 is correct and runs in time

Proof. By induction on , we verify that

The cost follows from Lemma 2.7.

3.2.Absolute pseudo-traces

We define the absolute pseudo-trace of modulo of order by

We may compute absolute pseudo-traces using the following variant of Algorithm 3.1:

Algorithm 3.2

, , and .



  1. Let be the binary expansion of .

  2. Let and

  3. Let and

  4. Return .

Lemma 3.2. Algorithm 3.2 is correct and runs in time

Proof. By induction on , we have

The cost then follows from Lemma 2.4.

4.Polynomial factorization

We follow the Cantor–Zassenhaus strategy, which subdivides irreducible factorization in into three consecutive steps:

For the distinct-degree factorization, we revisit the “baby-step giant-step” algorithm due to von zur Gathen and Shoup [11, section 6], later improved by Kaltofen and Shoup [24, Algorithm D]. For the equal-degree factorization, we adapt another algorithm due to von zur Gathen and Shoup [11, section 5], while taking advantage of fast modular composition as in [23, Theorem 1]. Throughout this section, we assume that is the polynomial to be factored and that is monic of degree .

4.1.Square-free factorization

The square-free factorization combines the separable factorization and -th root extractions.

Proposition 4.1. The square-free factorization of a monic polynomial of degree takes time

Proof. Let and let . The -th root of in can be computed as in time by Lemma 2.2.

The separable factorization of takes time ; see [27]. This yields

where the are monic and separable, the are pairwise coprime, and does not divide the .

In order to deduce the square-free factorization of it remains to extract the -th roots of the coefficients of , for . The cost of these extractions is bounded by

4.2.Distinct-degree factorization

In this subsection is assumed to be monic and square-free. The distinct-degree factorization is a partial factorization of where is the product of the monic irreducible factors of of degree . The following algorithm exploits the property that is the product of the irreducible factors of of a degree that divides . The “baby-step giant-step” paradigm is used in order to avoid the naive computation of the in sequence for . As a useful feature, our algorithm only computes the irreducible factors up to a given degree .

Algorithm 4.1

monic and square-free of degree , , .


such that is the product of the irreducible factors of of degree .

  1. Let .

  2. Compute by using .

  3. Compute for , via modular compositions.

  4. Compute for , via modular compositions.

  5. Compute , where denotes a new variable.

  6. Compute for .

  7. Set . For do:

    Compute , .

  8. For , compute for .

  9. For , compute for .

  10. For do:

    Set .

    For from down to 0 do:

    Compute , .

  11. Return .

Proposition 4.2. Algorithm 4.1 is correct and takes time

Proof. First note that any positive integer writes uniquely as with and . Then note that

so for . This shows that are computed correctly.

Lemma 2.5 allows us to perform step 2 in time

Step 3 requires modular compositions of the form for which is fixed. The same holds for step 4, this time with . Consequently, steps 3 and 4 can be done in time

For steps 5 and 6, we use the classical “divide and conquer” technique based on “subproduct trees”, and Kronecker substitution for products in ; see [9, chapter 10]. These steps then require operations. Our assumption on yields . Step 7 incurs

operations by means of the half-gcd algorithm.

By construction, the are pairwise coprime and their product equals . Steps 8 and 9 take operations, by applying the fast multi-remainder algorithm [9, chapter 10] to the results of steps 3 and 4. Finally, the cost of step 10 is bounded by

4.3.Equal-degree factorization

We now turn to the factorization of a polynomial having all its factors of the same known degree . This stage involves randomization of Las Vegas type: the algorithm always returns a correct answer, but the running time is a random variable.

Algorithm 4.2

A monic, square-free polynomial of degree , which is the product of irreducible factors of degree , as well as and .


The irreducible factors of .

  1. If then return . Otherwise set if , or if .

  2. Take at random in .

  3. Compute by Algorithm 3.1.

  4. Compute by Algorithm 3.2.

  5. If , then compute . Otherwise, set .

  6. Compute , , and if .

  7. Compute as , as the first entries of , for .

  8. For call recursively the algorithm with input , and .

  9. Return the union of the irreducible factors of for .

Proposition 4.3. Algorithm 4.1 is correct and takes expected time


Proof. The proof is well known. For completeness, we repeat the main arguments. Let with be the irreducible factors of . The Chinese remainder theorem yields an isomorphism

where each is isomorphic to . For any in , let



where each belongs to regarded as the prime subfield of . Hence is a vector in , and is the product of the with , for .

Let be a fixed index. If , then the probability that is , the probability that is , and the probability that is . If , then the probability that is , the probability that is .

We now apply [11, Lemma 4.1(i)] with and . This lemma concerns the probability analysis of a game of balls and bins where the bins are for and the balls are the irreducible factors of . The lemma implies that the expected depth of the recursive calls is . Other proofs may be found in [9, chapter 14, Exercise 14.16], [35, chapter 20, section 4], or [11, sections 3 and 4].

Step 3 takes operations, by Lemma 3.1. Step 4 takes operations, by Lemma 3.2. Step 5 requires further operations. The rest takes operations.

Cantor and Zassenhaus' original algorithm [5] uses the map instead of pseudo-traces whenever . For it uses a slightly different map combined with an occasional quadratic extension of . The use of pseudo-traces appeared in early works by McEliece [9, notes of chapter 14]. The modern presentation is due to [11]. Our presentation has the advantage to distinguish the pseudo-traces over from those over , and to avoid recomputing and during recursive calls.

Remark 4.1. If for some , then does not need to be multiplied by in (4.1); see [11, Lemma 4.1(ii)].

4.4.Irreducible factorization

We are now ready to summarize the main complexity bounds for an abstract field , in terms of the cost functions from section 1.1.

Theorem 4.1. The computation of the irreducible factors of degree of a polynomial of degree in can be done in expected time

Proof. This bound follows by combining Lemmas 2.6 and 2.8, Propositions 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3.

Following [9, Corollary 14.35] from [33, section 6], a polynomial of degree is irreducible if, and only if, divides and for all prime divisors of . This technique was previously used in [32] over prime fields.

Theorem 4.2. A polynomial of degree in can be tested to be irreducible in time

Proof. Computing the prime factorization takes negligible time . On the other hand, we can compute in time

by Lemma 2.6. Then can be obtained in time

by Lemma 2.5.

The “divide and conquer” strategy of [33, Lemma 6.1] allows us to compute in time ; see the proof of [33, Theorem 6.2]. Finally each gcd takes operations.

4.5.Rabin's strategy to save pseudo-trace computations

We finish this section with a digression on known optimizations for the equal-degree factorization algorithm that will not be used in the rest of the paper. These optimizations are based on a randomization strategy due to Rabin [32] that saves pseudo-norm and pseudo-trace computations. Here we focus on the case ; in the case when , similar but slightly different formulas can be used [1, 32]. A concise presentation of Rabin's method is given in [9, Exercise 14.17], but for pseudo-norms instead of pseudo-traces. For this reason, we briefly repeat the main arguments. We follow the notation of Algorithm 4.2.

Assume that is monic and square-free of degree and a product of monic irreducible factors of degree . Consider a polynomial such that for . We say that separates the irreducible factors of if for all .

Algorithm 4.3

A monic, square-free polynomial of degree , which is the product of monic irreducible factors of degree , a polynomial with for , and an integer .


A partial factorization of .

  1. If or , then return .

  2. Take at random in .

  3. Compute .

  4. Compute , , and .

  5. For , call recursively the algorithm with input , , and .

  6. Return the union of the factors of collected during step 5.

Proposition 4.4. Algorithm 4.3 is correct and takes time

In addition the following assertions hold:

  1. For taken at random in , does not separate the factors of with probability .

  2. If separates the irreducible factors of , then Algorithm 4.3, called with such that , returns all the irreducible factors of with probability .

Proof. The proof of the complexity bound is straightforward. A random yields such that for with probability . Therefore a random yields a polynomial that does not separate the irreducible factors of with probability at most . That proves assertion (i).

Now assume that separates the irreducible factors of . Given in , we have


for at most values of . With taken at random in , the probability that (4.2) does not hold is therefore at least .

Let denote the probability that all the irreducible factors are not found after the call of Algorithm 4.3 with input . There exist such that (4.2) holds for random values of with probability at most . Considering the possible pairs , we obtain .

We may benefit from Rabin's strategy within Algorithm 4.2 as follows, whenever . A polynomial as in Proposition 4.4(i) separates the factors of with probability . We call Algorithm 4.3 with the first value of such that , so the irreducible factors of are found with probability . When and can be taken sufficiently small, we derive a similar complexity bound as in Proposition 4.3, but where the factor does not apply to the terms and , which correspond to the costs of steps 3 and 4 of Algorithm 4.2.

If is too small to find a suitable value for , then we may appeal to Rabin's strategy a few rounds in order to benefit from more splittings with a single pseudo-trace over . If is actually too small for this approach, then we may consider the case and apply Rabin's strategy over instead of . More precisely, from and a random we compute

then , and obtain the splitting , , on which to recurse. This approach yields a complexity bound similar to the one from Proposition 4.3, but where the factor does not apply to the term . This latter term corresponds to the cost of step 3 of Algorithm 4.2.

5.Theoretical complexity bounds

This section first draws corollaries from section 4.4, which rely on Kedlaya and Umans' algorithm for modular composition. Note however that it seems unlikely that this algorithm can be implemented in a way that makes it efficient for practical purposes: see [19, Conclusion]. We first consider the case when is a primitive extension over and then the more general case when is given via a “triangular tower”.

5.1.Factoring over primitive extensions

Assume that is a primitive extension of . Then we may take:

Corollary 5.1. Let be as above. The computation of the irreducible factors of degree of a polynomial of degree in takes an expected time

Proof. By means of (5.1) the precomputation involved in Lemma 2.3 takes

Then holds by Lemma 2.1. So the bound follows from Theorem 4.1.

Corollary 5.2. Let be as above. A polynomial of degree in can be tested to be irreducible in time

Proof. This follows from Theorem 4.2, in a similar way as above.

5.2.Factoring over towers of finite fields

Now we examine the case where , where a triangular tower of height of field extensions such that and

for irreducible polynomials . We write , so , and assume that for .

Using [31, Theorem 1.2], we will describe how to compute an isomorphic primitive representation of , and how to compute the corresponding conversions. This will allow us to apply the results from section 5.1. In this subsection, we assume the boolean RAM model instead of the Turing model, in order to use the results from [31].

Corollary 5.3. Fix . Let be given as above for a triangular tower and assume that . Then the computation of the irreducible factors of degree of a polynomial of degree in takes an expected time

Proof. The number of monic irreducible polynomials of degree over is ; see for instance [9, Lemma 14.38]. Therefore the number of elements in that generate is . The probability to pick up a generator of over is uniformly lower bounded, since .

The assumption allows us to apply [31, Theorem 1.2] to the following data:

When generates over we obtain an isomorphic primitive element presentation of of the form , where denotes the defining polynomial of over . If is not primitive then the algorithm underlying [31, Theorem 1.2] is able to detect it. In all cases, the time to construct is . If is primitive, then [31, Theorem 1.2] also ensures conversions between and in time . Consequently the result follows from Corollary 5.1.

6.Practical complexity bounds

An alternative approach for modular composition over was proposed in [16]. The approach is only efficient when the extension degree over is composite. If is smooth and if mild technical conditions are satisfied, then it is even quasi-optimal. It also does not rely on the Kedlaya–Umans algorithm and we expect it to be useful in practice for large composite .

The main approach from [16] can be applied in several ways. As in [16], we will first consider the most general case when is presented via a triangular tower. In that case, it is now possible to benefit from accelerated tower arithmetic that was designed in [17]. We next examine several types of “primitive towers” for which additional speed-ups are possible.

In order to apply the results from [16, 17], all complexity bounds in this section assume the boolean RAM model instead of the Turing model.

6.1.Factoring over triangular towers

As in section 5.2, a triangular tower over is a tower of algebraic extensions

such that is presented as a primitive extension over . In other words, for , we have

for some monic irreducible polynomial of degree . Alternatively, each can be presented directly over as a quotient , where is monic of degree in and of degree in for each . Triangular towers have the advantage that is naturally embedded in for each . We set

6.1.1.Basic arithmetic

Proposition 6.1. There exists a function

such that is a non-decreasing function of , and

Proof. If , then [17, Proposition 2.7 and Corollary 4.11] imply

Now consider the case when . Since there exists a smallest integer such that , and

For any constant we note that , so [17, Propositions 2.4 and 2.7] yield

On the other hand, applying [17, Proposition 2.7 and Corollary 4.11] to the sub-tower

we obtain

6.1.2.Frobenius maps

In order to compute iterated Frobenius maps we extend the construction from section 2.1. For this purpose we introduce the following auxiliary sequences for :

Since we wish to avoid relying on the Kedlaya–Umans algorithm, the best available algorithm for modular composition is based on the “baby-step giant-step” method [30]. It yields the following complexity bound:

where is a constant such that the product of a matrix by a matrix takes operations; the best known theoretical bound is [20, Theorem 10.1]. In practice, one usually assumes .

Lemma 6.1. Let be given for . For all and , we can compute in time

Proof. For , let be the time needed to compute for any and . Let

denote the canonical representative of . We have

Now can be computed recursively in time , so

From Proposition 6.1 it follows that

We conclude by unrolling this identity.

The auxiliary sequences are computed by induction using the following adaptation of Algorithm 2.2.

Algorithm 6.1

, , . . . , .



  1. Compute using binary powering.

  2. For , write and compute as

  3. Return .

Lemma 6.2. Algorithm 2.1 is correct and runs in time

Proof. We prove the correctness by induction on . The case is clear. Assume that and let be such that

Then we have

This completes the correctness proof. Concerning the complexity, the first step takes time , whereas the loop requires modular compositions and computations of -th powers in . By Lemma 6.1, the total running time is therefore bounded by

Using the bounds

from Proposition 6.1, this yields the claimed cost.

6.1.3.Irreducible factorization

Corollary 6.1. Let for a triangular tower as above. The computation of the irreducible factors of degree of a polynomial of degree in takes an expected time

Proof. By Lemma 6.2, the auxiliary sequences ,..., can be computed in time . By Proposition 6.1 and Lemma 6.1, we may take

The bound now follows from Theorem 4.1.

Corollary 6.2. Let for a triangular tower as above. A polynomial of degree in can be tested to be irreducible in time

Proof. This follows from Theorem 4.2, in a similar way as above.

If , then we note that the bounds in Corollaries 6.1 and 6.2 further simplify into , which has an optimal complexity exponent in terms of the input/output size.

6.2.Factoring over special primitive towers

In the case when the extension degree of over is composite, we proposed various algorithms for modular composition [16] that are more efficient than the traditional “baby-step giant-step” method [30]. As before, these methods all represent as the top field of a tower of finite fields


Such towers can be built in several ways and each type of tower comes with its own specific complexity bounds for basic arithmetic operations and modular composition. In this section, we briefly recall the complexity bounds for the various types of towers and then combine them with the results of section 4.4.

The arithmetic operations in the fields of the tower (6.1) are most efficient if each is presented directly as a primitive extension over , where is a monic polynomial of degree . Towers of this type are called primitive towers. The primitive representations will be part of the precomputation. In [16], we studied the following types of primitive towers:

Nested towers

For , we have , where is a polynomial of degree (more generally, for a suitable generalization of composition, may even be a rational function of degree ); see [16, section 7.3] for details.

Composed towers

The are pairwise coprime and there exist monic irreducible polynomials of degrees such that and for . Here stands for the composed product of irreducible polynomials; see [16, section 7.4].

Artin–Schreier towers

We have and the minimal polynomials of the successive extensions are given by

(all other cases),

where is a root of in for .

Composed towers and Artin–Schreier towers suffer from the inconvenience that they can only be used in specific cases. Nested towers are somewhat mysterious: many finite fields can be presented in this way, but we have no general proof of this empiric fact and no generally efficient way to compute such representations. From an asymptotic complexity point of view, nested towers are most efficient for the purposes of this paper, whenever they exist.

In [16], we have shown that one composition modulo can be done in time

where the overhead depends as follows on the particular type of tower:

In the case of Artin–Schreier towers, we actually have , which yields the announced value for under the mild assumption that

By Lemma 2.3, the sequence can be computed in time

By Lemma 2.1, we may take

Since we wish to avoid relying on the Kedlaya–Umans algorithm, we again use

Plugging these bounds into Theorems 4.1 and 4.2, we obtain:

Corollary 6.3. Let for a primitive tower of one of the above types. Then the computation of the irreducible factors of degree of a polynomial of degree in can be done in expected time

Corollary 6.4. Let for a primitive tower of one of the above types. Then a polynomial of degree in can be tested to be irreducible in time

In the particular case when , we note that both bounds further simplify into , which is quasi-optimal.


We have revisited probabilistic complexity bounds for factoring univariate polynomials over finite fields and for testing their irreducibility. We mainly used existing techniques, but we were able to sharpen the existing bounds by taking into account recent advances on modular composition. However, the following major problems remain open:

The improvements from this paper are most significant for finite fields of a large smooth extension degree over their prime field. Indeed, fast algorithms for modular composition were designed for this specific case in [16]. It would be interesting to know whether there are other special cases for which this is possible. Applications of such special cases would also be welcome.



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