Macro expansion

The main interest of the TeXmacs' style-sheet language is the possibility to define macros. These come in three flavours: ordinary macros, macros which take an arbitrary number of arguments and external macros, whose expansion is computed by Scheme or a plug-in. The macro-related primitives are available from the SourceMacro menu. Below, we will only describe the ordinary macros. For more details, we refer to the section about macro primitives.

Ordinary macros are usually defined using


After such an assignment, my-macro becomes a new primitive with n arguments, which may be called using


Inside the body of the macro, the arg primitive may be used to retrieve the values of the arguments to the macro.

<assign|hello|<macro|name|Hello name, you look nice today!>>

It is possible to call a macro with less or more arguments than the expected number. Superfluous arguments are simply ignored. Missing arguments take the nullary uninit primitive as value:

< assign | hey | < macro | first | second |




Hey first, you look lonely today...


Hey first and second, you form a nice couple!


> >

We finally notice that you are allowed to compute with macros, in a similar way as in functional programming, except that our macros are not closures (yet). For instance:


The compound tag may be used to apply macros which are the result of a computation:

< assign | overloaded-hi | < macro | name |






> >

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