Creating tables

In order to create a table, you may either use InsertTable or one of the following keyboard shorthands:

M-t N t
Create a plain table.
M-t N T
Create a table whose cells are centered.
M-t N b
Create a “block”, whose cells all have a small border.
M-t N B
Create a block whose cells are centered.

In math mode, a few other table-like structures are provided:

M-t N m
Create a matrix.
M-t N d
Create a determinant.
M-t N c
Create a choice list.

Examples of a plain table, a centered block and a matrix are shown below. Notice that the environments with the explanatory text below the tables were created using InsertTableSmall table. The use of “small tables” allows you to put several tables besides each other on the same line. For a single large table, one may use InsertTableBig table.

boom tree
hallo hello
wiskunde mathematics

Table 1. A plain table.

boom tree
hallo hello
wiskunde mathematics

Table 2. A centered block.

a b
c d

Table 3. A matrix.

There are several other table-like environments and new ones may be created by the user. For instance, using TextMathematicsEquations or A-&, you may insert an eqnarray* environment, which allows mathematically oriented users to align a list of equations which span over entire lines. An example of such a list of equations is

sin (f(x) g(x))' = (f(x) g(x))' cos (f(x) g(x))
= (f'(x) g(x) + f(x) g'(x)) cos (f(x) g(x))

When starting a new table, its size is minimal (usually 1×1) and its cells are empty. New rows and columns are inserted using the A-left, A-right, A-up and A-down shorthands. For instance, A-right creates a new column at the right of the current cursor position, as illustrated in the figure below. You may also start a new row below the current cursor position by hitting return.

a| b
c d
) (
a | b
c d

Figure 1. Example of the insertion of a new column in a matrix. Assuming that the cursor is at the position indicated in the left-hand matrix, insertion of a new column using A-right results in the right-hand matrix.

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