A zero-test for series defined in terms of
solutions to partial differential equations

Joris van der Hoeven

Université Paris-Sud

Département de Mathématiques

Bâtiment 425

91405 Orsay Cedex


November 04, 2023

Consider an effective differential ring of computable power series in for some field and assume that we have an effective zero-test for elements in . Consider a system of algebraic partial differential equations with . If is the unique solution to this system of equations with suitable initial conditions, then we obtain a new effective differential ring of computable power series when adjoining to . Under a mild additional hypothesis, we will describe a zero-test for elements in .

Keywords: zero-test, power series, partial differential equation, differential algebra

A.M.S. subject classification: 68W30, 35-04, 12H05, 40-04, 13P10


There exist essentially two approaches in computer algebra for the computation with formal solutions of systems of ordinary or partial differential equations.

The first approach is based on the theory of differential algebra [Rit50, Sei56, Ros59, Kap57, Kol73, Bui92]. We start with an effective differential field with derivations and enrich with the formal solution to a system of differential polynomials. From an algebraic point of view, this formal solution lies in the differential quotient ring of by the perfect ideal generated by . The theory of differential algebra is well-established and admits an effective counterpart: see [Bou94] for an overview. In particular, there exists a zero-test in .

In practice however, a simple function such as is not just the solution to the differential equation , but it also satisfies the initial condition . When taking into account initial conditions, non-zero elements in may vanish when we consider them as functions. For instance, assume that we redefine to be the unique solution to with and . Then is non-zero as an element of , even though vanishes as a function.

In certain cases, it may therefore be necessary to consider a second approach, in which the new functions are defined to be solutions to systems of differential equations with initial conditions. Since most functions which arise in this way are analytic, it is natural to systematically work with computable power series.

More precisely, given an effective field , a multivariate power series is said to be computable, if there exists an algorithm which takes on input and which outputs the corresponding coefficient of in . The set of such series forms a differential ring, even though does not come with a zero-test.

Now assume that we are given an effective subring of and let be the quotient field of . We wish to extend with power series solutions to systems of partial differential equations . In the ordinary differential case, the coefficients of can generally be computed as a function of the equations and a finite number of initial conditions in . In the case of partial differential equations, the initial conditions are taken in with .

When extending with the solution to a system of differential equations which satisfies explicit initial conditions, an important problem is to decide whether for a given differential polynomial . In the case of ordinary differential equations, there exists a variety of algorithms to solve this problem [DL84, DL89, Sha89, Sha93, PG95, PG97, vdH01, vdHS06, vdH02]; see [vdH02] for a discussion. Progress in the case of partial differential equations has been slower and the best currently known result [PG02] reduces the zero-test problem to the Ritt problem concerning the distribution of the singular zeros of a differential system among its irreducible components. In fact, questions related to the zero-test problem quickly tend to be undecidable:

Theorem 1. [DL84, Theorem 4.12] There does not exist an algorithm to decide whether a linear partial differential equation over has a power series solution in .

In this paper, we propose a zero-test in the partial differential case, which is based on a generalization of the technique from [vdH02, vdHS06]. In a nutshell, assume that is the unique solution to with and explicit initial conditions. In order to test whether for , we first simplify the system of equations using the theory of differential algebra. At the end, we obtain a new system of equations . If we can show that this system admits a solution which satisfies the same initial conditions as , then the fact that implies and . If , then it suffices to expand sufficiently far in order to find a non-zero coefficient.

The main difficulty is to ensure the existence of a suitable solution to the reduced system , which may be highly singular. The main part of this paper is devoted to further reduce the system together with the initial conditions into an asymptotic normal form (called an asymptotic basis). If this asymptotic normal form is non-contradictory, then we will guarantee the existence of a solution in a suitable field of power series with logarithmic coefficients. In order to make our zero-test work, we thus have to assume that is also the unique solution in to with the prescribed initial conditions. Fortunately, this is only a mild additional hypothesis.

Let us outline the structure of the paper. In section 2, we start with some quick reminders on so called grid-based power series. For a more detailed treatment, we refer to [vdH06, Chapter 2].

In section 3, we review the elementary theory of differential algebra. In order to lighten notations, we will only consider equations in one differential indeterminate. In section 3.6, we also introduce Ritt co-reduction in the “dual setting” where differential operators in are replaced by operators in . This dual setting was considered before in the linear case [vdH07].

In section 4, we next switch to the case when we work over a field of grid-based power series with a suitable monomial ordering on . This field comes with natural valuation preserving derivations . More generally, for suitable , we will consider more general derivations , where is an infinitesimal monomial. Since is a field of series, it is naturally to study the dominant parts of differential equations, which gives rise to a theory of “asymptotic differential algebra”.

Although a general theory of asymptotic differential algebra is somewhat difficult to design due to the possible presence of infinite powers of initials and separants in the asymptotic analogue of Ritt reduction, a systematic theory can be developed in the case of “quasi-linear differential ideals”. We will define and outline the basic properties of such ideals in section 5 and prove the existence of zeros in in the case when the derivations are .

Starting with the equations , we next have to put the equations in quasi-linear form. This is automatic for the derivations if is sufficiently small. Using a suitable process of asymptotic dualizations and changes of derivations, we will show in section 6 how to end up with a system of quasi-linear equations w.r.t. . In section 7, we will give algorithmic counterparts of this construction and show how this can be used to elaborate our zero-test.

When applying the algorithm from this paper in the ordinary differential case, we notice a small difference with [vdH02, vdHS06]. In the present paper, we expand sufficiently far so as to make the equations in the reduced system quasi-linear. This simplifies the existence proof of solutions, but may require expansions up to a higher order than what was necessary before. Indeed, the previous algorithms relied on a theoretical result [vdH02, Theorem 3] for the existence proof (see also [vdH06, Chapter 8]).

2.Grid-based series

For convenience of the reader, we will briefly recall the definition of grid-based power series, as well as some notational conventions. For a more detailed exposition, we refer to [vdH06, Chapter 2].

Let be an arbitrary ring of coefficients ( is usually a field) and a totally ordered multiplicative group (one may also consider partially ordered monoids). The ordering on is called an asymptotic dominance relation and we call a monomial group. A subset is said to be grid-based if for some infinitesimal monomials and an arbitrary monomial . Here for any .

A grid-based series is a formal sum with and grid-based support . For reasons which will become clear later in the paper (when will be allowed to be a non-commutative ring of operators), we multiplied on the right with its corresponding coefficient . The set of grid-based series forms a ring (and a field if is a field).

Any non-zero grid-based series admits a unique dominant monomial (the maximal element in its support) and a corresponding dominant coefficient . By convention, . The dominance relation may be extended to by setting if or and and . This notation further extends to the case when and for different rings and . We also write if and if but . Sometimes, it is convenient to use Landau's notation and write or instead of resp. .

A family is said to be a grid-based or summable, if is grid-based and is finite for each (notice the double index convention ). In that case, its sum with is again in .

3.Differential algebra

3.1.Selection of the admissible ordering

We assume that the reader is familiar with basic results from differential algebra. Let be a field with a finite number of derivations . We assume that the space is closed under the Lie bracket; the are not required to commute. We will denote

Let be fixed -linearly independent numbers in with


It is easy to construct such : starting with any vector of -linearly independent real numbers, it suffices to produce a sufficiently precise rational approximation of and take . We define a partial ordering and a total ordering on by

The total ordering is admissible in Ritt's sense.

3.2.Ritt reduction

We will restrict our attention to the ring of differential polynomials in one single indeterminate . Given , we will write for its leader, for its initial and for its separant. The relation (1) ensures that for all . Let a vector of differential polynomials and denote

Given , Ritt reduction of w.r.t. yields a relation


where , is reduced w.r.t. and is a vector of linear differential operators. We understand that . In particular, if is a Rosenfeld basis (i.e. if is a coherent auto-reduced set), then Ritt reduction of the -polynomial of and () gives rise to a relation


We will call (3) a critical relation. It can be rewritten in the form .

3.3.Additive and multiplicative conjugation

Given a and , there exist unique differential polynomials , called additive and multiplicative conjugates of , with the properties that

for all . These notions naturally extend to vectors and operators ; for instance, . We have

Consequently, if Ritt reduces to modulo , as in (2), then and Ritt reduce to and modulo resp. , with

In particular, if is a Rosenfeld basis with critical relations , then so are and , with critical relations resp. .

3.4.Change of derivations

Another important construction is to change the derivations. Assume that

for certain . Then any differential polynomial can be rewritten into a differential polynomial with respect to the derivations and vice versa. Similarly, any operator can be rewritten as an operator in . We again have

Consequently, if Ritt reduces to modulo , as in (2), then Ritt reduces to modulo , with

In particular, if is a Rosenfeld basis with critical relations , then so are , with critical relations .

3.5.Linear systems

Let be the set of linear homogeneous differential polynomials. A differential ideal is said to be linear, if it is generated by . Given , we will denote by and its linear and constant parts. We also denote .

Given , its initial and separant are equal and invertible. Ritt reduction of with respect to a system yields a relation


with and . Similarly, the -polynomial of two polynomials in is again in . In fact, as a -module is isomorphic to the skew-ring . This leads to the alternative interpretation of (4) as the reduction of w.r.t. in the theory of non-commutative Groebner bases. Similarly, -polynomials correspond to -polynomials and Rosenfeld bases to Groebner bases.

Applying Buchberger's algorithm to a linear system , we thus obtain a Rosenfeld basis with . Any linear differential ideal may be represented as for such a basis .

From now on, we will freely use the concepts of Ritt reduction, critical relations, etc. for operators in . Given a Rosenfeld basis and , let be the critical relation for and , with . Let be the matrix whose rows are the vectors . It is well-known that these rows generate the module of with . In other words, we have a natural exact sequence



3.6.Ritt co-reduction

Assuming that is a field of constants for , we can also consider the natural power series analogue of , and apply the theory of standard bases. It will be convenient to regard this as a dual theory.

More precisely, given , we will call the smallest variable occurring in its co-leader . The corresponding coefficient is called the co-initial or co-separant . Ritt co-reduction of w.r.t. yields a relation


with and such that for all . If is a Rosenfeld co-basis, then Ritt co-reduction of the co--polynomial of and with yields a co-critical relation

with . Denoting by the matrix of co-critical relations, we again have a natural exact sequence

The process of Ritt co-reduction can be generalized slightly beyond the linear case. More precisely, let be the set of series in the infinite number of variables , such that is polynomial in each particular variable in . Now let be a linear system. We say that is co-reduced w.r.t. if its co-leader does not satisfy for any . In the contrary case, we may consider as a polynomial in and write


for the unique with , with . After a finite number of such steps, we obtain a relation


where does no longer depend on and . Continuing the same process on as long as is not reduced w.r.t. results in an infinite sequence of eliminations which converges to a relation


where and is co-reduced w.r.t. .

4.Asymptotic differential algebra

4.1.The function field and its derivations

Given formal indeterminates , let denote the valuation-preserving partial derivatives

Let and let be a vector of -linearly independent positive real numbers. We give the structure of a monomial group by

Notice that is isomorphic to an additive subgroup of . From now on, we will assume that is a field of grid-based series of the form

where is a differential field for the derivations .

Remark 2. Most results in this paper still hold if we replace by any subgroup of which contains and for any dominance relation on with . However, proofs by induction over grid-based supports in generally have to be replaced by transfinite induction proofs.

Given in and in , we will have to consider generalized Newton slopes between terms and . Both terms can be “equalized” modulo the change of derivations , where

If , then the monomials are all infinitesimal, and we have


for all . In other words, although the do not commute, they do commute from the asymptotic point of view. Similarly, if , then each derivation asymptotically commutes with elements in the operator ring :


4.2.Dominant differential ideals

Let be as before. Any differential polynomial can also be considered as a series in the ring

Similarly, an operator can be considered as a series in the ring

Recall our convention to multiply monomials in the series on the right with the corresponding coefficients.

Because of (10), the set is not necessarily stable under differentiation. It will be convenient to introduce the commutative differential ring obtained through formal substitution of by pairwise commuting variants . The corresponding bijection between and , with inverse , satisfies

for all and . If , then (11) implies that is a field of constants for the derivations . Given , we will denote . This notation is extended to differential ideals of using

The set is clearly an ideal of . Assume that . Given , there exists a with . Replacing by , we may assume without loss of generality that , whence with . Now we have and for all , whence and . This proves that is a differential ideal, called the dominant differential ideal of .

Remark 3. If is a radical differential ideal, then is not necessarily radical. For instance, if we take , and , then .

A differential ideal of is said to be strong, if it is closed under grid-based summation. Since is archimedian, the strong differential ideal generated by a differential ideal is just the completion of :


It follows that . Any strong differential ideal of is clearly a -module. The contrary is not always true: taking , the -module generated by , , , does not contain .

Proposition 4. Let be a -module such that is finitely generated. Then is a strong differential ideal.

Proof. Let with be such that is generated by . Given , we claim that there exists an operator with

such that . We compute the coefficients of by induction over . Assume that with has been computed. Then and . Since is generated by , there exists an operator with . Taking , it follows that , so the induction hypothesis is satisfied for the next monomial in . By induction, we thus compute an operator which satisfies for all . It follows that .

Having shown our claim, let be a grid-based family. Then there exists a family of operators with and for all . For each , and using the facts that is finite and is grid-based, there are only a finite number of indices with . Consequently, is a grid-based family and .

Remark 5. We do not know yet whether the dominant differential ideal of a finitely generated -module is necessarily finitely generated as well.

4.3.Asymptotic reduction

Let us consider a vector with for each . A series is said to be asymptotically reduced w.r.t. if is Ritt reduced w.r.t. .

Due to the presence of in (2), a similar division technique as for standard bases will not always work in the case of asymptotic reduction: infinite sequences of partial reductions may give rise to infinite powers of initials and separants. Nevertheless, we will now show that the mechanism does work in the special but important case when all initials and separants are .

We say that is normal if and for all . Given , we claim that there exists an expression


where satisfies and is reduced w.r.t. . We will call and the quotient and remainder of the asymptotic reduction of w.r.t. . The coefficients of and are computed by induction over the grid-based set

So let and assume that we computed and for all , in such a way that


with and . We may assume without loss of generality that (if , then we may simply take ). Ritt reduction of w.r.t. yields a relation

with and . In view of (10) and (11), we get


with , and with . Taking , it follows that

If , then is reduced w.r.t. and the construction stops. Otherwise, we have and and the induction hypothesis is satisfied for the next monomial .

We will say that is quasi-normal if for all . In that case, let for each , where is the leader of and the coefficient of in . Then is normal and we call it the normalization of .

Remark 6. If is not quasi-normal, then the same argument still leads to a relation

with whenever the reduction process stops. However, we no longer obtain a nice relation in the case when reduces to .

4.4.Asymptotic co-reduction

As we did in section 3.6 for Ritt reduction, it is natural to introduce asymptotic co-reduction, the dual notion of asymptotic reduction. Since cannot be applied to , we will assume . The set

plays the role of in the dual setting. Similarly, operator algebra

is the natural counterpart of . In a similar way as before, one introduces the commutative variant of . Again, the dominant part of a differential ideal is a differential ideal.

Any series can also be regarded as a series in the variables and , with a support which is a subset of . A subset is said to be admissible if it occurs as the support of a series in . A family is said to be summable if is admissible and is finite for each . In that case, . A differential ideal of is said to be strong if it is closed under infinite summation.

Let be the set of series in which are strong linear combinations of monomials of weight at least . The strong differential ideal generated by a differential ideal coincides with a suitable completion of :


It follows that . Any strong differential ideal of is a -module. Any -module , such that is strong and finitely generated as a strong differential ideal, is a strong differential ideal.

Consider a vector with for all . We will say that is co-normal, if , and is linear for all . Given , we say that is asymptotically co-reduced w.r.t. if or for all . In a similar way as above, asymptotic co-reduction of w.r.t. yields a relation

where satisfies and is co-reduced w.r.t. .

5.Quasi-linear differential ideals

5.1.Asymptotic bases

Let be normal in the sense of section 4.3 and assume that is linear for each . We say that is an asymptotic basis, if is a Rosenfeld basis and if each pair with satisfies an asymptotic critical relation


where and are such that is a critical relation for and . We call the asymptotic -polynomial of and . We will denote by the matrix formed by the row vectors , such that is an asymptotic critical relation.

More generally, we say that is an asymptotic basis, if is quasi-normal and if its normalization is an asymptotic basis in the above sense.

Lemma 7. Let be a normal asymptotic basis and . Then there exists an operator such that .

Proof. We will construct by induction over the grid-based set

Let be such that has been computed. As the induction hypothesis, assume that , and

Since , we have . Hence, the exactness of (5) implies the existence of a vector with entries in , such that . Taking , we have

and . By induction over , we obtain a vector with .

Corollary 8.

The strong -module of operators with is generated by the rows of .

Corollary 9. Let be a normal asymptotic basis. Then the strong differential ideal generated by is given by and coincides with the set of which reduce asymptotically to w.r.t. .

Proof. Given with , the lemma implies that there exists an operator with and . In particular, , so that , by proposition 4. Furthermore, implies that is not asymptotically reduced w.r.t. . Now let be the remainder of the asymptotic reduction of w.r.t. . Since , the above argument shows that .

A differential ideal of is said to be quasi-linear if is linear.

Proposition 10. Let be a strong differential ideal of . Then the following conditions are equivalent:

  1. is quasi-linear.

  2. admits a normal asymptotic basis.

Proof. Assume that is quasi-linear. By definition, there exists with , , for each , and such that is a Rosenfeld basis. Given , we claim that asymptotic Ritt reduction of the asymptotic -polynomial of and yields an asymptotic critical relation (17). Indeed, the remainder of the asymptotic reduction must vanish, since and is reduced w.r.t. . We thus get a relation (17). Furthermore, Ritt reduction of w.r.t. yields , which is thereby a critical relation for and .

Inversely, assume that admits a normal asymptotic basis . Given , corollary 9 implies that reduces to modulo . In particular, and is a linear differential ideal.

5.2.Asymptotic co-bases

It is rather straightforward to dualize the theory from the previous section. Let us briefly state the dual versions of the main results, while omitting proofs.

Let be co-normal in the sense of section 4.4. In particular, is linear for each . We say that is an asymptotic co-basis, if is a Rosenfeld co-basis and if for each pair , we have an asymptotic co-critical relation


where and are such that is a co-critical relation for and . We will denote by the matrix formed by the row vectors , such that is an asymptotic critical relation. A differential ideal of is said to be quasi-linear if is linear.

Proposition 11.

Let be a co-normal asymptotic co-basis. The strong -module of operators with is generated by the rows of .

Proposition 12. Let be a co-normal asymptotic co-basis. Then coincides with the set of which co-reduce asymptotically to w.r.t. .

Proposition 13. Let be a strong differential ideal of . Then the following conditions are equivalent:

  1. is quasi-linear.

  2. admits a co-normal asymptotic co-basis.

5.3.Solving quasi-linear equations with respect to

In this section, we consider an asymptotic basis in the special case when and is a field of constants for . We will show the existence of solutions to the equation in the ring , where .

Lemma 14. Let be a Rosenfeld basis. Then there exists an with .

Proof. Applying the tangent cone algorithm to , we obtain a matrix with coefficients in such that is a Rosenfeld co-basis. We claim that is compatible with in the sense of [vdH07, Section 3.2], i.e. that for any with . Indeed, let be the matrix of critical relations for the Rosenfeld basis . Since is a flat ring over , the exact sequence

transforms into an exact sequence

In other words, given with , there exists a with . It follows that

In [vdH07, Section 4.2], we have shown how to compute a solution in to

Now is in the strong ideal generated by , so there exists a matrix with coefficients in with . Consequently, there exists a matrix with entries in and . We conclude that and .

Proposition 15. Let be an asymptotic basis. Then there exists an with and .

Proof. We may assume that is normal. We compute the coefficients of a solution with by induction over . We have . Given , assume that has been computed for all , in such a way that for . We have

and each asymptotic critical relation

gives rise to a relation

Extracting dominant parts, it follows that is a Rosenfeld basis. Moreover, , whence . By lemma 14, it follows that admits a solution . Taking and , we have and , so the induction hypothesis is verified for the next monomial in .

6.Proving quasi-linearity

6.1.Initial quasi-linearity

Lemma 16. Let be a Rosenfeld basis w.r.t. and let be the leader of for each . Assume that and for all . Consider the critical relation


obtained by Ritt reduction of modulo . Then . Moreover, if for each , then is an asymptotic basis.

Proof. Let . The process of Ritt reduction yields a sequence of relations


obtained by pseudo-division of by , considered as polynomials in the common leader of and . In particular, is free from . At the end of the reduction process, we have for some .

Let us proof by induction over that and thus . From , we deduce . Let be the coefficient of in . Then is also the coefficient of in , since is free from . In particular, . Telescoping the relations (20) for , we get .

The hypothesis implies in particular that . If we also have for each , then , whence (19) can be divided by and rewritten into an asymptotic critical relation.

Proposition 17. Let be a Rosenfeld basis w.r.t. and assume that satisfies , but . Then there exist and , such that is an asymptotic basis w.r.t. .

Proof. Consider the Rosenfeld basis w.r.t. , which satisfies for all . Let be the leader of for each . Since , the coefficient of in does not vanish. Taking sufficiently small, we have for all . From now on, let us consider the entries of and as differential polynomials in . Modulo a multiplicative conjugation by a sufficiently small , we may assume without loss of generality that for all , while preserving the fact that for all . Modulo a division of each by , we are thus in a position where satisfies the conditions of lemma 16. We conclude that is an asymptotic basis w.r.t. , and so is for any .


In this section, we assume that . Given a strong differential ideal , the dualization of is the smallest strong differential ideal which contains .

Lemma 18. Given a strong quasi-linear differential ideal , its dualization is again quasi-linear and we have .

Proof. Let be an asymptotic basis for and let be the vector of critical relations for , giving rise to an exact sequence


Since is a flat ring over , we also get an exact sequence


Now consider an element with . We claim that we may rewrite in such a way that . Indeed, using the exactness of (22) instead of the exactness of (5), this is proved in a similar way as lemma 7. Our claim implies that . This shows that .

Now consider a matrix with entries in such that is normal and is a Rosenfeld co-basis. We claim that is an asymptotic basis for . Indeed, as in the first part of the proof of proposition 10, asymptotic co-reduction of the asymptotic co--polynomial of and with yields an asymptotic co-critical relation for and . Our claim and proposition 12 imply that is quasi-linear. We conclude that .

Lemma 19. If is a strong quasi-linear differential ideal, then so is .

Proof. Assume that is generated by . Then is again generated by .

6.3.Changing derivations

We will now study what happens to quasi-linear differential ideals when changing the derivations. Given two systems of derivations

with we will write if . In that case, we have

where and denote the natural counterparts of and for . More generally, we will use primes when working with respect to .

From now on, let be an asymptotic co-basis. For each , let be the co-leader of . The largest for which is not reduced to a single term for some , is called the next critical derivation. If is also quasi-normal w.r.t. , then it follows in particular that is the leader of for each .

Lemma 20. Let be an asymptotic co-basis w.r.t. and let be the next critical derivation. Assume that is linear for each . Then is also an asymptotic basis w.r.t. .

Proof. Without loss of generality, we may assume that is co-normal w.r.t. . We will denote by the normalization of w.r.t. . Let us prove that any element asymptotically reduces to w.r.t. . In particular, this will imply that the asymptotic -polynomials of the form asymptotically reduce to w.r.t. , and thereby give rise to the required asymptotic critical relations for .

Assume for contradiction that there exists a , such that is reduced w.r.t. . We may even assume that is totally reduced w.r.t. , i.e. that each variable with for some has been eliminated from . Since is an asymptotic co-basis w.r.t. , asymptotic co-reduction of yields a relation . Let us prove by induction over that . This yields the desired contradiction, since this would imply , by strong linearity.

Let . Then is the quotient of the co-reduction of w.r.t. . Consequently, starting with , there exists an infinite sequence of equations

each of which is induced by a partial co-reduction of the type (7), and such that

More precisely, let be the co-leader of and write . Then there exists an index with , and for . Assuming that , we must have since is totally reduced w.r.t. and involves . Combined with the fact that , this yields and . In other words, our hypothesis implies for all , whence .

Remark 21. The lemma admits an alternative proof based on the fact that the asymptotic co-critical relations for w.r.t. obtained by asymptotic co-reduction of the asymptotic co--polynomials continue to provide asymptotic critical relations for w.r.t. which are sufficiently close to . Using lemma 10, it follows that is an asymptotic basis w.r.t. . If , then asymptotic reduction of the asymptotic -polynomials w.r.t. yield new asymptotic critical and co-critical relations w.r.t. , which allows us to continue the process with instead of . It can be shown that is reached after a finite number of steps.


Given an effective ring , we recall that a multivariate power series is computable, if there exists an algorithm which takes on input and which outputs the corresponding coefficient of in . The set of such series forms a differential ring. Although is usually a field, it is also allowed to take a non-commutative ring of operators for .

Given an effective monomial group , a grid-based series is said to be computable if there exist infinitesimal and , as well as a computable series , such that . We denote by the ring of such series.

The definition of computable power series applies in the obvious way to differential operators . More generally, a series is said to be computable, if there exists an algorithm which takes a monomial on input and which outputs the corresponding coefficient . We denote by the ring of such series.

Throughout this section, we will assume that and as in sections 3.1 and 4.1 have been fixed and that is an effective field with an effective zero-test. For instance, we may take and .

7.1.Asymptotic bases for linear differential ideals

Assume that is an effective field with an effective zero-test. Let , and . Consider a Rosenfeld basis , such that the leaders of the are known (remind that we do not have a zero-test in ). Then we may apply the theory from section 6 in order to find an asymptotic basis for w.r.t. .

Algorithm asymptotic_basis

Input: a Rosenfeld basis with known leaders.

Output: an asymptotic basis for .

Step 1. [Initial asymptotic basis]

Let be the leader of for each .

Take sufficiently large, such that for all and .

By lemma 16, is an asymptotic basis w.r.t. .

Go to step 4.

Step 2. [Dualization]

Normalize .

Compute with respect to .

Using the tangent cone algorithm, find a Rosenfeld co-basis for .

For each , let be such that .

Replace by .

By lemma 18, is an asymptotic co-basis w.r.t. .

Step 3. [Change derivations]

Compute the next critical derivation and replace by .

By lemma 20, is an asymptotic basis w.r.t. .

Step 4. [Done?]

If , then return .

Otherwise, go to step 2.

Remark 22. It is readily checked that none of the computations with the series requires the use of a zero-test in . For instance, in step , it suffices to compute the coefficient up to the order of : if , then for all . Similarly, for the computation of the next critical derivation in step 3, it suffices to evaluate up to the order of , where stands for the co-leader of .

Theorem 23. The algorithm asymptotic_basis is correct and terminates.

Proof. The correctness being ensured by lemmas 16, 18 and 20, it suffices to prove the termination. Let and be the successive values of and at the start of step 2. For each and , let be the leader of , and consider the anti-chain . Then forms a decreasing sequence of anti-chains, which implies the finiteness of the sequence.

7.2.Ensuring ultimate quasi-linearity

The argument from the proof of proposition 17 can be generalized so as to provide asymptotic bases w.r.t. . More precisely, let us consider a Rosenfeld basis with and whose leaders are known. If is quasi-linear for a sufficiently small , then we will show how to compute such an and an asymptotic basis . If the algorithm fails, then we will provide a proof that .

Algorithm ql_asymptotic_basis

Input: a Rosenfeld basis with and known leaders.

Output: an asymptotic basis for for some or
fail and a certificate that .

Step 1. [Initial asymptotic basis]

Let be the leader of for each .

Take sufficiently large, such that for all and .

Replace by , where is sufficiently small such that is affine.

Go to step 4.

Step 2. [Dualization]

Normalize .

Compute with respect to .

Using the tangent cone algorithm, find a Rosenfeld co-basis for .

For each , let be such that .

Replace by .

Step 3. [Change derivations]

Compute the next critical derivation and replace by .

Replace by , where is sufficiently small such that is affine.

Step 4. [Done?]

If , then return fail.

If , then return .

Otherwise, go to step 2.

Theorem 24. The algorithm ql_asymptotic_basis is correct and terminates.

Proof. The algorithm is a perturbation of the algorithm asymptotic_basis from the previous section. In steps 1 and 3, lemmas 16 and 20 can only be applied under the condition that , in which case the previous correction and termination proof generalizes. Whenever in step 4, this implies in particular that for the input basis .

7.3.Existence of zeros revisited

Until now, we have not really used the fact that the derivations are allowed to act in a non-trivial way on . In the next section, we will work over instead of . This requires some adaptations of proposition 15.

Proposition 25. Let be a field of constants for and consider an asymptotic basis . Then admits a solution in .

Proof. This is proved using a straightforward adaptation of the proof of proposition 15.

Proposition 26. Let be a field of constants for and consider a Rosenfeld basis . Then admits a solution in .

Proof. Using a procedure similar to ql_asymptotic_basis, we may compute a monomial in such that is quasi-linear w.r.t. . Indeed, since admits no non-linear terms, instead of choosing such that is affine in steps 1 and 3, we may now choose sufficiently large such that is linear. By proposition 25, admits a zero in . It follows that is a solution to .

Assume now that we wish to work over instead of . This fits in our setting by taking for a constant field and a copy of with on . The variables and will simply be ignored.

Proposition 27. Let be a field of constants for . Denote and . Consider an asymptotic basis . Then there exists an with and as a series in .

Proof. The proof is analogous to the proof of proposition 15. We first notice that the absence of the variables from implies their absence in the asymptotic critical relations and during all computations in the proof. This time, the Rosenfeld basis lies in instead of . By proposition 26, the equation admits a solution in . Since does not occur in (regarding and as separate variables), the constant term of w.r.t. is again a zero of . This ensures that the analogue of the proof of proposition 15 goes through.

7.4.A zero-test in extension rings with solutions to pdes

Let be an effective field with an effective zero-test. Assume that we are given an effective differential subring of for with an effective zero-test. Assume also that the coefficients of as a series in are still in and that there exists an algorithm to compute them. These coefficients lie in the effective differential ring . We will denote by the quotient field of . In view of the previous section, we may apply the theory from this paper for series in the field , where .

Let be a partial differential equation with a solution and coefficients . Assume that there exists an order such that the equation


admits only as a solution in . This is typically the case when is sufficiently non-singular, so that the coefficients of in are given by a recurrence relation. The differential ring is clearly a subring of . We will now give an effective zero-test in this ring.

Algorithm zero_test

Input: a polynomial .

Output: true if and false otherwise.

Step 1. [Initial order]

Set and .

Step 2. [Rosenfeld basis]

If then return false.

Compute a Rosenfeld basis for .

Let be the subset of with .

If then set and repeat step 2.

Step 3. [Certification]

If ql_asymptotic_basis() does not return fail, then return true.

Step 4. [Increase order]

Set and .

Return to step 2.

Theorem 28. The algorithm zero_test is correct and terminates.

Proof. Let us first prove the correctness. If the algorithm returns false, then we clearly have . If the algorithm returns true, then the ideal is quasi-linear in step 3. By proposition 27, this implies the existence of a zero with . Since , any solution of is also a solution of and of . It follows that for . But we assumed that is the only solution to (23). It follows that .

Let us now prove the termination. For a fixed order , the loop in step 2 terminates because the successive rankings of are lower and lower. If , then we clearly have for a sufficiently large . If , then, for a sufficiently large , we have for all considered in step 2. Consequently, the successive values of in step all satisfy . When entering step 3, we therefore have , whence ql_asymptotic_basis does not return fail.

8.Final notes

Several remarks can be made about the generality of our zero-test. In order to avoid unnecessary complications of the notations, we have presented our algorithm in the case when we adjoin a single solution to a partial differential equation with initial conditions. Of course, the theory of differential algebra also works for differential polynomials in a finite number of indeterminates. It should be straightforward to generalize our zero-test to the case when we adjoin several solutions at the same time.

Similarly, we may replace the single equation by a system of equations . In that case, the initial conditions generally lay in the ring for some . In particular, this requires to take , where is the quotient field of .

We assumed that is the unique solution in to (23). This condition is usually met in practice and in particular when Cauchy-Kovalevskaya's theorem applies. Nevertheless, the condition can probably be weakened to the existence of a unique solution in or some ring in between. In order to prove such a result, one would have to carefully study the supports of the series which arise during our computations. We notice that the existence of a unique solution in is a minimal requirement. However, in view of results such as theorem 1, it might be hard to escape from the intrusion of logarithms. As a matter of fact, the proof of this theorem fails if we replace by .

It is appropriate to notice one important advantage of our setting: we only required to be an effective subring of with an effective zero-test. Such rings can be constructed via a tower of extensions of of the type considered in section 7.4. However, does not necessarily have to be of this type. For instance, in the case of ordinary differential equations, we know that the series in occurring in Stirling's series for is differentially transcendental over . We may thus take .

Even though the proof of the new zero-test might seem complex, we notice that the actual algorithm is actually quite simple and can expected to be reasonably efficient. Indeed, apart from the usual (inevitable?) step of computing Rosenfeld bases over , we only have to apply the tangent cone algorithm a few times for series over the simpler field .

Several points of a more theoretical interest might deserve further study. First of all, we made a few artificial hypothesis on and , which one may try to remove as much as possible. More importantly, it would be nice to have a genuine theory of asymptotic differential algebra, which goes beyond the quasi-linear case. In the continuation of [AvdD04], such a theory might even work for more general “asymptotic functions fields” than our fields of grid-based series .



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