Converters for Html and MathML

TeXmacs supports reasonably good converters to Html and MathML. A document can be exported to Html using FileExportHtml. TeXmacs makes moderate use of Css in order to improve the presentation of the generated Html.

By default, TeXmacs does its best in order to render formulas using existing Html/Css primitives. When selecting EditPreferencesConvertersTeXmacs->HtmlUse MathML, all formulas will be exported as MathML. Notice that this requires you to save the generated documents using the .xhtml extension.

Similarly, the user may force TeXmacs to export all mathematical formulas as images using EditPreferencesConvertersTeXmacs->HtmlExport formulas as images. If your destination file is called name.html, then the images are stored in the same directory in files name-1.png, name-2.png and so on. Even when formulas are not exported as images, notice that all graphics drawn using TeXmacs are exported in this way. In particular, the exportation of a TeXmacs file with pictures may give rise to the creation of additional image files. You may also force arbitrary content to be exported as an image using InsertSpecificImage.

TeXmacs also provides a facility for the creation of entire websites. For this, you just have to regroup the files for your website into a single directory. Using ToolsWebCreate website you may now convert all TeXmacs files in this directory to Html files in a new directory. The conversion procedure recursively traverses all subdirectories and all non-TeXmacs files are simply copied.

TeXmacs also contains a rudimentary input converter for Html in FileImportHtml. Most of HTML 2.0 and parts of HTML 3.0 are currently supported. However, no browsing facilities have been added yet. The converter also contains a reasonably complete input converter for embedded MathML fragments.

When importing HTML documents, files whose names start with http: or ftp: will be downloaded from the web using wget. If you compiled TeXmacs yourself, then you can download wget from

In the binary distributions, we have included wget.

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