Installing TeXmacs as an RPM package

1.The idea behind rpm packages

If you use RedHat Linux or another linux distribution which supports the rpm command to install software, then it is very easy to install GNU TeXmacs. You can check whether rpm exists on your system using

which rpm

If the program is not installed, or if you do not have root privilege, then you should ask your system administrator to install GNU TeXmacs, or use the classical installation method.

2.Download, install and run

After downloading the GNU TeXmacs distribution for standard Intel or AMD based PC's under GNU/Linux, you may install the software from a terminal by typing (as root)

rpm -i TeXmacs-2.1.4-1.i386.rpm

The program can now be launched using

texmacs &

3.Happy TeXmacs-ing!

If you like the program, then please consider donating money or services to us. Of course, you may also contribute yourself. In case of problems, please subscribe to the texmacs-dev or texmacs-users mailing lists and ask your questions there. You may also directly contact us, but you might need to be more patient.